For the most part, my 3-year old and 2-year old boys get along pretty well. I love hearing them have conversations together. I love watching them play together. I love, love, love, when they snuggle together and read books. These are the things that make my heart melt all over the floor. But...they don't always get along.
There are some days I feel like I can't get anything done without the kids arguing, fighting, smacking each other, and crying. It's so frustrating when they don't get along. It makes the day seem painfully long-and-drawn-out. They spend more time arguing than playing, and I spend more time breaking up fights and correcting my children than literally anything else. It takes FOREVER to do anything when I have to keep stopping to pull them apart, kiss the boo-boos they inflict on one another, and force them to apologize to each other.
The things they argue and fight about are usually...really, really, silly. Like when one of them starts playing with a specific toy and all of the sudden the other one wants to use it. It's almost as if there's this after thought like, "Wait a minute! that is a good idea. I want that toy too. Oh, no! they have it. I just can't wait. I'll take it from them." Cue the screaming and crying and smacking.
On those days, I wish they would just work it out on their own. I wish they would get along. We have so much more fun, and we get so much more done when they're working together.
I know God feels the same way about us. There's so much more that we can accomplish when we get along and work together.
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1)
Oh, how good it really is! Seriously, though, if we would stop arguing over petty things, and would just get along, then so much more could be accomplished for the glory of God! Imagine what a unified world would look like! We'd be solving problems instead of making problems. We'd be sharing our wealth instead of hording and stealing. We'd be creating efficient inventions rather than time and money wasters. We'd look forward to seeing each other rather than dreading a reunion.
It's exciting to think about...but, it's also a wake up call! I mean, how on earth are the people of the world supposed to accomplish this kind of unity if I can't even get along with my actual physical family? And, even more so, how is that supposed to happen when I can't get along with other believers--my brothers and sisters in Christ? We spend way too much time arguing, complaining, competing, and fighting with one another. And, when it all gets boiled down, the things that we disagree on aren't important. They aren't the prime focus--the main goal. No, the main goal is to love one another. Love. That's the focus. That's the goal. Love.
If I'm quick to love, then when someone else messes up or hurts me I'm able to forgive. I can help them. I can pick them up. We can start over and take ground together.
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up." (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10)
When my kids work it out on their own I don't have to step in and intervene. It makes me so happy to see them working together and problem-solving. I love to see them forgiving each other. It's so much faster than arguing and fighting too. Forgiveness, that is. It takes only a moment to forgive, but it takes minutes, hours, and sometimes even days to argue. I've even heard of people who will hold on to a grudge for years...yes, literally years. And, for what? I wonder. Unforgiveness is a weight that I wasn't created to carry. It's a bondage that prevents me from accomplishing great things for the Kingdom of God. It keeps the breakthroughs at bay. It puts off the inventions. It stops creations. It puts a halt to originality. I mean, have you ever noticed how ideas get recycled every so many years? Have you ever noticed how new inventions are actually just copies of someone else work? This is what a world looks like when we don't get along. This is what a world looks like through the eyes of unforgivenes.
But, there is so much hope. There is so much hope through Christ Jesus! He has set the ultimate example of love and forgiveness. And, He has asked us to walk in love and forgiveness too.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." (John 13:34)
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)
As a mother, I know how good and how pleasing it is when brothers get along. I know how wonderful it is when brothers forgive. I know how excellent it is when brothers love unconditionally. I know.
And, now, I can hear God asking me to do the same. First to forgive, and then to love. To reach out to those who have hurt me and to make amends--to mend all that has been broken. A family can't function if there is no unity. The body of Christ is dismembered when it doesn't work together. The world is broken without forgiveness. But! With love and forgiveness anything, anything, is possible! So, I will be quick to forgive. I will be quick to love. I will be quick to live in unity. And, I pray that my love and forgiveness will be contagious and bring healing to others.
I want to be the first one to forgive. I don't want to be hindered by unforgiveness. I don't want to wait for the other person to make a move. I don't want to hold on to a grudge that prevents the Holy Spirit from breathing new life into the world. Forgiveness starts here and now. It starts with me.
