My youngest daughter was insistent on helping me vacuum today. She held onto the handle with determination as I attempted to guide her back and forth over the rug. I was really blessed by her eagerness to help me out, but to be honest it wasn’t very helpful at all. She stumbled along clumsily as she struggled to keep the vacuum (that was taller and heavier than her) upright. I caught myself thinking about how much easier it would be to vacuum on my own. The job would have been done better and faster. Then I thought, “If I always did it by myself than how would she ever learn?”

In that moment I felt the Holy Spirit rush in and take a hold of my thoughts. I could hear the same question now in a different voice being directed at me. “If I always did it by myself than how would you ever learn?” I thought about how hard navigating life has been through the recent years with overcoming postpartum anxiety and depression. I thought about how hard it’s been to learn how to steer my thoughts through my mother’s ongoing cancer journey. I thought about how many times I’ve asked God to do it all, but He didn’t show up the way I wanted Him to. Immediately, John 16:33 entered my mind and I remembered Christ’s promise for trouble in this life, “…in this life you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33b NIV)
Okay, God.
I know this life isn’t going to be easy. I know He never promised it would be easy. Trouble is certain. Tribulation is definite. Bad things are going to happen.
How many times have I prayed prayers asking “why?” Why, God have You not intervened? Why have You not taken charge and changed this situation? Why haven’t You taken the sickness away? Why haven’t you healed her? Why haven’t You transformed him? Why haven’t You rescued me? But, if He did it all Himself, how would I ever learn? How would my faith grow? Why would I even need it?
Dear brothers and sisters,when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
(James 1:2-4 NLT)
A few hours later my 5-year old son told me that I wasn’t a nice mom when I asked him to make his bed. I politely asked him what would make me a nice mom, and his response didn’t surprise me. The sum of it all was this: I would do all of the work and he would get to play games whenever he wanted to. I instantly brought to his attention reasons why Mommy doing all of the work wouldn’t be a good idea. I mean, how would he be confident managing his own home someday if he never helped take care of the one he lives in now?
Then it dawned on me. I’m a co-heir with Christ. (Romans 8:17) How can I be ready for whatever comes in heavenly places if I’m constantly expecting God to singlehandedly take care of everything here on earth? If it’s God’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom (Luke 12:32) then I have to learn how to take care of the household. I have to learn how to be a queen—a noble godly woman, like that described in Proverbs 31. I have to work eagerly with my hands (Proverbs 31:13) and watch over the affairs of my household (Proverbs 31:27), just like my daughter worked so eagerly to help me.
God is equipping me as an heir in His kingdom through these difficult lessons. He’s training me in the instruction of heavenly royalty. And, although the weight of it all seems bigger and feels heavier than what I can manage on my own, I know that He will always be there to guide and direct me. (Proverbs 3:6) The trails that come my way are a part of my story and my ministry. Without them, I wouldn’t be who He wants me to be—His heir.
“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
(James 1:12 NIV)
Thank You, God, for not doing it all on Your own. Thank You for taking the time to teach me how to help You. Thank You for including me in Your plans even when I'm no help at all.