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Home: Blog2


Writer: Cheyenne ErikaCheyenne Erika

My 7-month old is learning to crawl. She's right at the point where she's determined and driven, but doesn't quite have the coordination mastered. Which, leads to some frustration. She'll get herself up on all fours, but one of her legs will get caught underneath the other. She'll cry. Then she'll flip into a bear-crawl position. Then she'll get frustrated and give me the "I'm stuck, Mama" look as she cries some more. All the while, I'm smiling and encouraging her.

Sometimes I wonder if she thinks I'm being mean to her, or if I'm just flat-out ignoring her. It's not always easy to just watch her figure it out. But, I know if I intervene I'll be prolonging the learning process rather than helping it.

There are two different kinds of learning experiences I want my children to have. I must say, the one I like the best is the one where I walk my child hand-in-hand through the experience. I can explain things and show them what's going on. It's a very hands-on approach. Then, there are some things that I have to just let happen. These learning experiences aren't as hands-on. They're more hands-close-by. You see, I may be hands-off during the learning process, but I'm never far away. I stay close, I encourage, and I'm right there ready to step in when they really need me.

As a mother, I have to discern which type of involvement is the best for each learning experience. And, for my daughter who's learning to crawl, the hands-close-by approach is the best. If I just moved her arms and legs for her, she wouldn't be able to develop the upper body strength that she needs to support her weight while she crawls.

Okay, Lord, now it's Your turn to work on me.

There are some learning experiences that I have in life where I feel frustrated and tired. I find myself begging God to intervene. I wonder why He isn't helping me. I feel like I'm grasping at straws, groping in the dark for an answer. I ask God why He's ignoring me. But, the thing is, He's not. He's using a hands-close-by approach. He knows that if He intervenes the way that I'm asking Him to that I won't develop the strength that I need for whatever comes next. He'd be prolonging the learning process for me, which would be more of a hindrance than a help.

It can be really hard to see His goodness in some of these situations, especially when I'm crying out for Him to "please, please, help me!" But, if I stop crying long enough to realize that He's close by, I can key in on His voice and hear His loving encouragement through the entire learning process.

"For his God instructs and teaches him properly." (Isaiah 28:26)

God knows exactly what kind of learning experience is best for me. No matter how I'm feeling, His love is still present. He never leaves me. All of His teaching methods are full of love and tender mercies. I just have to be willing to recognize His goodness in whatever way He chooses to teach me.

"Good and upright is the Lord; therefore He teaches [everyone] in the way. The humble He guides in justice, and the humble He teaches His way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies...Who is the man that fears the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way He chooses." (Palm 25:8-10,12)

So, the next time things feel really, really hard and just plain difficult, I'm going to stop thinking about the pain and key in on the voice of the Lord--my good, good Father. I'm going to recognize that the pain has purpose, and God knows exactly what that purpose is. I may not be able to feel His presence in the midst of the pain. I may not be able to understand what He's doing. But, His encouragement, His voice, His promises, His word will carry me through.



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