My 2-year old has been having a really hard time making up his mind. He hasn't been feeling all that well for the past few days, and when he's under the weather he can be pretty emotionally indecisive. Like this morning, for instance, he asked for some chocolate chips. I thought, "Eh, whatever, he's not feeling good. I'll be nice and put a few in a bowl for him." When I handed him the bowl he cried, like full-on tears-streaming-down-the-face ugly kind of cried, "I don't want a bowl..." So, I gave the chocolate chips to his older brother. That made things worse. He now wanted the bowl of chocolate chips. (deep sigh)

It can be quite a challenge for me at times. I really just want to help him, but when he's constantly (and dramatically) changing his mind, I feel like I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do because what he wants he doesn't want, and what he doesn't want he really wants just not in the way he said he wanted it. If you didn't catch all of that, don't worry. I'm not sure if I understand it either.
Honestly, all I can think about it the scripture from James chapter 1: "A double minded man in unstable in all of his ways" (James 1:8). And, seriously, unstable is the word that makes this feel so relatable. Unstable. Un-sta-ble. Wavering. Not firm. Unsteady. Unpredictable. Irregular. Lack of control. Please, son, please just make up your mind.
I'm not innocent when it comes to being double-minded. There are times when I feel like making a good decision—the right decision—is really difficult. I'm constantly wondering if I'm doing the right thing. I go back and forth in my mind..."should I?...shouldn't I?" This feeling of not knowing what's best—what's right—is unsettling. It's unstable. I know it drives my loved ones crazy when I get that way, especially my husband. Sometimes I feel like I just need him to make the decision for me because the back-and-forth of trying to settle an unsettled mind makes me INSANE.
So, here's the thing. God is my stability. He is my firm foundation. He is my strong tower, my corner stone, and the rock on which I stand.
"He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken." (Psalm 62:2)
Christ illustrates this for us in Matthew chapter 7. He tells us that those who follow the Lord's directions are like someone who builds their home on a solid foundation. They are firmly established! The storms come, the tough decisions come, and those people don't waver. They are not shaken. But, for the people who aren't committing their ways to the Lord—who aren't listen for His voice and following His directions. Watch out! They're like a person who builds his home on sinking sand. The storms come, the tough decisions come, and their foundations crumble. They're unstable. They're faith is wavering.
When I establish my faith and my trust in Him, I am not easily wavered. My decisions are influenced and invested by my relationship with the Father, which is stability. My relationship with Him brings stability. It doesn't matter what my final decision is when I'm committing all of my decisions to God. He makes my paths straight. He makes my ways plain.
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." (Proverbs 16:3)