As a musician and songwriter, I am constantly utilizing my voice recording app. I use it to make memos of lyrics, or to sing melodies, or to record an arrangement of a song. I'm usually the one in control of what gets recorded, but my kids sometimes have other plans.
The other day I was writing a song and my kids were helping me out at the piano. They were doing so well, too. That is, until I hit record. Every time I hit the record button someone would start screaming or crying...or both. Seriously. Every. Single. Time. It was almost humorous, though, because when I would stop the recording they were absolutely fine again. So, I proceeded to attempt recording my rough draft of the song thinking things would be different for the third, fourth, and fifth time.

I don't know what it is exactly, but there's just something about being able to drop everything I'm doing to spend time with my kids. It's like this magnetic pull that brings you beyond reality and into the things that matter the most. And, as I sat at the piano feeling a little worn from the amount of attempts I had made to document my song, I could also feel my heart translating their cries for attention. "Hold me, mama." "Spend time with me, mommy." "Love on me."
Sometimes I really don't like how one-track-minded I can be. It can be too easy to ignore the needs of others when I feel like I have a task to complete. I hate to admit it, but sometimes requests for help turn to cries for help before I stop what I'm doing. I want to be more attentive. I want to be more aware. I want my children to always know that mommy is here for them.
As I ponder the important things I also think about what God's doing to try and get my attention. Can I be aware and attentive enough to listen for His small whispers? Or, am I going to wait until He allows something more drastic to happen in my life that causes me to lean on Him more?
There are countless scriptures that direct us to be have a continual relationship with God. "Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)
" His face always." (1 Chronicles 16:11)
"From the rising of the sun to its setting The name of the LORD is to be praised."
(Psalm 113:3)
Why then is it so hard to feel like I'm spending enough time with God. I mean really with Him. Not just this "Hey, God. Yeah, thanks." kind of stuff. I want to be attentive and whole hearted in my relationship with God always, just like the scriptures say to do.
If only it were possible to split myself in two. One of me could keep the house in order, go to work, and run errands while the other one of me could just love on God and my family. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. So, I need to find the balance. Thankfully, God's word also gives us direction on how to go about doing this too.
I love the verse that says, "Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men..." (Colossians 3:23). This means that everything I do, and I mean everything, I'm going to do as an act of worship. Doing dishes is an act of worship. Filing a tax report is an act of worship. Taking care of my baby's boo-boo's is an act of worship. Teaching my students is an act of worship. Grocery shopping is an act of worship. Shoveling my driveway is an act of worship.
Literally everything I do in my life is an act of worship. Which means...dun dun dun...It doesn't matter when part of my life gets interrupted because my act of worship isn't. If I do everything whole hearted as if I'm doing it for God then even taking care of sad faces and temper tantrums is worship. Nothing is unimportant and nothing is insignificant in God's eyes. He sees it all as worship. And, worship is relationship with God. Thanksgiving is relationship with God. Prayer is relationship with God. If I live this way then I will be aware of His presence in all things. I will be in a continual relationship with my Creator.
When I live my life unto God, He takes HIs relationship with me one step further--He makes everything work out! Nothing is left unfinished or open-ended. Everything is complete in Him.
"Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed." (Proverbs 16:3)
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well [everything you could ever need and even some of the things you want]."
(Matthew 6:33)
So, the next time something or someone interrupts my day I want to welcome it with open arms. Because, God has set aside this time for a spontaneous act of worship, and I want to be pleasing in His sight.
More than anything else, however, we want to please him, whether in our home here or there. (2 Corinthians 5:9)