“I can’t do it!” My two-year old proclaimed as he dropped a snow shovel that was almost double his size. The boys had begged me to help with clearing the driveway while their daddy was at work. My three-year old had mastered using the adult sized shovels to push the snow like a bulldozer off the driveway, but my two-year old was still getting the hang of it.
“Yes, you can.” I encouraged as I helped him hold the shovel again. He slowly maneuvered his body in a way that made it work more easily for him. I was really proud of the boys. Their eagerness to help made my heart full of joy. As I watched them, I wished we had a third shovel so that I could join them in getting the job done. I thought about the snow blower in the garage, but then I quickly started to come up with excuses as to why that wouldn’t be a good idea. I had my four-month old strapped to my chest. I was outside alone with the boys. The neighbors weren’t home to help me if anything went wrong. I’ve never used a snowblower before. Blah, blah, blah.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, some of those are very valid excuses. But, I also realized that I was doing what my son had already done. I was using “I can’t“ as a copout. Thankfully, my son has me—a mother that loves him enough to push him outside of his comfort zone so that he can succeed and do well. Unfortunately, I didn’t have anyone around to help or teach me how to start up the electric snowblower or how to operate it. Thankfully, Holy Spirit is the best teacher.
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” (John 14:26)
You see, God created me with a mind that thinks, eyes that see, hands that do, feet that move, and a will-power unlike any other. He already gave me the tools to use to succeed and do well. Now I just need to use what He’s already given me. Read the warning label. Read the instructions. Follow them carefully. Look to see where your kids are. Fill the gas tank. Plug it in. Prime the pump. Turn the key. Look to see where the kids are again. Pull the start-chord. Unplug it. Push. Be an example to my kids that God does equip us for the task at hand.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
As I came up along side my boys, they went from trying their best to doing their best. They pushed their shovels with all of their strength, and together we got the job done.
It really was a beautiful thing. I saw so much of who God is to His children—constantly working for the good of those who love Him. (Romans 8:28)
When God sees me doing my best (no excuses!), He comes right beside me and helps me complete the task at hand—whatever it may be! And, then, before I know it, I’m enjoying the fruits of our labors. I’m looking back and saying, ”Wow, I can’t believe that I actually did that!” But, the truth is, God came along side me and helped me. I didn’t do it on my own strength. I did it through His strength.
“‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.” (Zachariah 4:6)
And, I’m not just talking about snow blowing the driveway. I’m also referring to anything that seems too hard or too difficult. I’m talking about the things that I know God has called me to do, but I’ve made too many excuses to put His plan for me into action.
So, what am I waiting for? God has already equipped me for the task at hand. Now, I just need to stop trying to do my best and start doing my best. And, when I step into the action of doing my best, God will come right along side me and help me succeed and do well.
