My 4 year-old was helping me clean up around the kitchen the other day. I asked him to grab a bowl of leftover popcorn off of the counter and bring it to me so I could wash it in the sink. He didn’t mean to, but he dropped it. Little pieces of popcorn and kernels scattered all over the floor. And, in a split second, our clean up was more than doubled.
We got out the broom and the dustpan, and he helped me sweep it all up. The clean up didn’t go as smoothly as it could have if I had just done it all myself. It took a while. Things got messier in the process. But, we did get it all done. And, I got to spend quality time with my son teaching him about patience and hard work.

As we were finishing up, I could hear the Holy Spirit talking to me. He was revealing to me a much greater depth to our relationship and His sovereignty. He was showing me that He doesn’t need my help. He doesn’t need me to accomplish great and mighty things. He doesn’t need me…but, He wants me.
There have been times when I’ve wondered why God hasn’t taken full charge over a situation. I’ve asked God to move in miraculous ways, and then I’ve wondered why things didn’t go so smoothly—why the miracle got messier and took longer than expected. But, it’s because God likes to include His children in the work. He likes to co-create with us, work along side us, walk with us, and, in the process, teach us about patience and perseverance.
“For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.”
1 Corinthians 3:9 (ESV)
God lets me be a part of the process because my growth is an essential part of what’s taking place. It might take longer. It might get messier. But, God wants to teach me. He wants to do a work in my spiritual garden. He wants to build up my spiritual building. And, all of this “extra” work has an even greater purpose—a purpose that benefits more than just me.
It all goes back to when my son spilled popcorn all over the floor. I didn’t leave him to fend for himself. No. I came alongside him. I helped him clean up the mess. We did it together.
That’s what God does. He doesn’t leave me stranded to take care of my own messes. No. He comes alongside me. He helps me get through it. He redirects me, guides me, and gets me back on track.
“He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, Hebrings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.”2 Corinthians 1:4 (MSG)
So, what was that greater purpose? It’s about being the hands and feet of Christ to others. It’s about showing compassion in the mess, and in all of the processes that take longer than they should. It’s about including others in the clean up. It’s about being faithful to stay, help, and teach when things get messy.